District 13 Board of Directors
Board of Directors
President: Alex Dawson
Vice President: Shawn Schultz
Treasurer: Kristen Loftis
Committee Chairman:
Birch Creek: Charles Snider
Elizabeth City Motocross: Dallas Bossola
Lake Sugar Tree: Ryan Smith
Commission Delegates
Ryan Smith: Off Road
Ken Ferrell: ATV
District 13 MX Committee
MX Rider Representative: Tyler Critzer
Youth MX Rider Representative: Mike Smith
50cc Mx Rider Representative: Dustin Motley
Special Events:
Communications Liaison: Alex Dawson
Board Members/ Promoters
Motopromo, LLC: Jay Ezra Beasley
Birch Creek: Charles Snider
Elizabeth City Motocross: Dallas Bossola
Lake Sugar Tree: Ryan Smith
Tomahawk Motocross: Chad Gochennour
Black Ankle Raceway: Samantha Leonard
Cowbranch Motocross: Chris Andrew
Promised Land Motocross: Solomon Rose